Masatsune YOSHIO – 由雄 正恒
Masatsune Yoshio (1972- ) was born in Kobe. He is a composer and Media Master No. 75. His specialty is the composition of fine art pieces using computers and the compositions are based on the creation of and research regarding algorithmic compositions, acoustic synthesizing, live electronics, and expression with information technologies. He graduated from Showa University of Music and Art and the Media Laboratory in Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS). He studied these viewpoints under Masahiro Miwa. In 2006, he also learned the theory of composition and its interpretation with the Acousmonium by Denis Dufour at the summer seminar of MOTUS. His electroacoustic pieces were performed within and outside of Japan at the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), the Contemporary Computer Music Concert (CCMC), the Fuji Acousmatic-Music Festival (FAF), the Musicacoustica-Beijin Festival Futura, etc. He is an associate professor at Showa University of Music and a member of the Japan Foundation of Composers (JFC), the Japan Society for Sonic Arts (JSSA), the Japanese Association for the Study of Musical Improvisation (JASMIM), the Special Interest Group on Music and Computers with the Information Processing Society of Japan (JPS), and a trustee for the Japanese Society for Electronic Music (JSEM).
神戸出身。作曲家、メディアマスターNo.75。コンピュータによる芸術作品の創作を専門とし、アルゴリズミック・コンポジション、音響合成、ライブエレクトロニクス、メディア表現を題材にした創作研究を行っている。電子音響作品は、国内外(ICMC-国際コンピュータ音楽会議、Contemporary Computer Music Concert, FUJI acousmatic music festival, MUSICACOUSTICA-BEIJIN, Festival FUTURA等)において演奏される。 昭和音楽大学作曲学科、IAMASアートアンドメディア・ラボ科を卒業。三輪眞弘に師事。MOTUS夏期アトリエ・パリ2006にてドゥニ・デュフール氏などからアクースマティック音楽作曲法とアクースモニウム演奏法の指導を受ける。日本作曲家協議会、先端芸術音楽創作学会、日本音楽即興学会、情報処理学会音楽情報科学研究会会員、日本電子音楽協会理事、昭和音楽大学准教授。